Looks pretty damn good! And don't worry about the legs, they're not that bad. You're just being too hard on yourself.
09' Mets!
Age 34, Male
Port Richmond High School
Staten Island, New York
Joined on 8/23/08
Looks pretty damn good! And don't worry about the legs, they're not that bad. You're just being too hard on yourself.
Yeaah :/ I just wish i could take art lessons though. Drawing this was a pure bitch, combine too. Next time I'll make the legs longer.
Btw, is this going to be a game or a movie?
Most lilely a movie. I probebly won't ever make a game. EVER :O
Why not? Just make one of those AWESOME clicking advetures, like Adventure of a ninja!
XD Maybe, seems simple enough. Maybe i'll do both.
Hmmm, thats a unique look for a sniper, not how you drew him but the colors. Im guessing its going to be more towards an urban enviroment? Anyways is the flash going too just see how you can animate or do you have some master plan for a series?
Just t see how i can animate. A series would be bland and boring, you know? Just a sniper killing people every episode :/ But yeah, it's basically a test. And as for colors, I was going for maybe winter time/ urban camo? I don't know. Thanks for the acknowledgment though
So have you made a lot of progress?
After the week I just had =_= progress isn't even a word
Hmm.... after looking at this, i just realized his legs are too short :S I failed